Tracing Locality in Karachi: An Architectural Typological study of Libraries


This publication highlights the importance of Library buildings in Karachi, an architectural typology that is starting to disappear in its contemporary context. By conducting a comprehensive analysis of this particular typology in Karachi, Pakistan, this research aims to shed light on dominant design decisions that have been situated within their context and locality. Libraries have historically played a pivotal role within the educational, cultural, and social framework in Pakistan. Libraries through the ages have taken the labor of fostering literacy, knowledge dissemination, and cultural exchange. By contextualizing these insights within Karachi’s socio-cultural landscape, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of the methods by which libraries are representations of national identity and have a larger role to play as part of the cultural heritage. This research makes use of qualitative research methods; this includes architectural drawing analysis, stakeholder interviews, and a thorough literature review that can aid in a better understanding of the evolution of library Architecture in Karachi, since the formation of Pakistan in 1947. Case studies of selected libraries illustrate diverse design approaches, spatial arrangements, and technological integrations that shape user experiences and community engagement. The findings expand upon the intrinsic relationship between architecture and urban vernacular where various conditions such as the building orientation, materiality, passive cooling, indoor and outdoor relationships, and spatial organization become important. With the interest of expanding the existing theoretical framework, a desired outcome is the creation of a repository of information and an archival resource of the existing body of work, which can be important for future library projects in Karachi.


KEYWORDS : Library, Local, Urban Vernacular, Passive cooling techniques, Architectural design Strategies

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